Essay Type: Espresso (Light Roast)


  • You are always learning and evolving. Even if it's not obvious at the time, when you reflect on your past, you realize that you've changed significantly.
  • Your curiosity drives you to explore and engage deeply with your interests. Sometimes you stay up late analyzing something you did or said that day.
  • You are insightful and notice things that others often do not. You can read other people well and give genuine compliments.

Your Essay

A "Light Roast Espresso" essay focuses on a single unique experience in your life that sparked a period of personal growth or discovery. The narrative should weave together the specifics of the experience with the lessons you learned and the ways in which it contributed to your evolving sense of self or worldview.

The subject matter does NOT need to be “that one lightbulb moment where you found your passion”. If you have one of those, then you should consider writing about it. But if you don't, that's 100% fine. The “light roast espresso” can still work well for you. You can write about an object of significance, a hobby, or a challenge that seemed minor in the beginning but had a profound effect on your understanding of yourself or others. The key is to reflect on the journey and tie it all together with a strong theme.

What makes a strong theme? Well, it must be more complex than a single trait like “creativity” or “resilience”. That trait can be the first theme, but there must be a deeper lesson. Did your expression of creativity clash against a societal norm or someone else's expectations? How did your resilience challenge your preconceptions about leadership? The theme should have multiple parts and should highlight an evolution, whether it's in the way you interact with your environment, the way you treat others, or the way you think about some subject.

The "Light Roast Espresso" is about finding growth in the unexpected, or even the everyday. It's about sharing a story that, while doesn't singularly define you, carries deeply meaningful lessons.

How To Start

You should start your essay by brainstorming a list of “tidbits” about yourself. You can find prompts for them here. Then, you should think of 2-3 themes that relate to this tidbit. We also recommend thinking of a hook and a conclusion to frame the essay and make it compelling from the very first word, before coming up with a paragraph-by-paragraph outline.

If that sounds like a lot, Essay Cafe's Espresso Generator can help. We'll give you a list of compelling themes to experiment with and suggest personalized essay ideas based on your experiences. You'll get a detailed essay outline in minutes, instead of hours.


See an example essay here.